Feb 8, 2022Liked by Mari Amman

“Dance of light” 😀!!!

“The dance of light is happening whether we realize it or not.” 🌟

The artist unfolds from nature just as the dance of nature unfolds from itself.

Making art is to participate in nature, to feel and to make visible what is always there, to become the sun 🌞

Your ending here is magnificent:

That life feels so good despite the pain and the bad things that happen.

“I never want it to stop” ❤️

Tremendous. Powerful!

The act of walking is a recurring theme, and one to which I can relate.

A poetic understanding such as yours recognizes how the impromptu and intuitive can lead to the most amazing and enriching experiences!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Mari Amman

A wonderful, poetic piece!

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